Now, there are certain people who will probably argue this point but, WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT OF TEACHING THIS IF THEY DO NOT PROVIDE A LOGICAL USAGE OF IT IN REAL LIFE. I mean, rodsmoking malay shits could have atleast took the trouble to give us a reason to study it other than, "Ini penting untuk memajukan bangsa" bullshit. Fuck that fucking shit dude. If they could provide a decent explanation, I'm sure they'd attract more attention and therefore better grades. Everyone's so fucking obsessed with the letters on their grades that they forget the building of a well rounded individual.
Of course, of course, of course. How silly of me, you're about to bring up a sane debate about how SPM is just a gauge and whatnot right? Well, what the fuck do you gauge by teaching the youth to spot questions and take short cuts. Of course, you could argue that you are teaching us to use innovative methods to cheat, which of course, nobody will admit to but fuck yeah, it happens.
Well, now that the actual doing of the exams rant is over, let us rant about how the questions were. Let me see, the first thing I'd like to say is, I hope that the person who did the questions have their balls cut off with a rusty serrated blade. Since mathematics does not fucking include gravity into equations, do you expect a person to divide a number to infinity? Does he find it sadistically funny to throw the youth down a failing route? Well, I believe that he/she was bullied by the cool kids when he/she was younger and this is a form of getting back at them.
My rage has also been sufficiently fueled by the apparent arrogance of people that do not have to trouble themselves with taking the exam but make light of it. Of course they mean it in jest, but for fucks sake, there's something called PRIVATE messaging. You don't need to tell the world how you didn't do the paper everyone fucked up, or how you actually managed to do it.
If you did the paper perfectly, bravo. You are one of the few people headed for the top. Of course, what no one will tell you is that in 5 years when you actually finish your studies, you'll join a company, and that company will probably be under my globe spanning consortium. Yeah, dreams you say? Then what the fuck are you doing now? Dreaming about taking over? NEVER.
Has anyone actually managed to formulate an opinion yet? Well, fuck your opinion. This is a free internet, but as one of the men manning the blog, I have the right of opinion which literally means, my opinion matters, yours doesn't. I am never wrong, you are always wrong. Remember that.
I need to stop man PMS-ing. Vodka please?