Friday, July 24, 2009

Random Shit

Today I have done things a man should proud of while he's young but be fucking embarrassed about later in life, though I hope to be forgiven for not mentioning what, but let's just say I've probably knocked off a couple of years from my life. Not to worry though, by the time I hit my golden years there will be youth potions for sale like lemonade.

Anyways, I think I will use this update to launch an unnecessary rant on culture again. Of course you must be bored with people giving opinions but, as much as everyone else, I have a fucking right to my own opinion and I can, if I so choose to completely dismiss everyone else's opinion. That aside, I shall now begin.

I am sure nowadays, everyone has noticed the current trend for people to dress "indie". Hold on! you say, doesn't that mean they all have a 'unique and trendy' fashion style that 'defies' social norm to promote 'creativity' and a sense of 'harmony' in their clothing? Well, that's what it should define, but in the current state of affairs, it means a bunch of people running around in what is touted as indie attire, which more often than not means coloured t-shirts with 'provocative' statements emboldened on it's front. Now I am not totally against it, but if that's the only thing a person wears, it really stops being amusing.

The problem of course, does not lie in the "indie" clothing system in itself, it's more towards how people judge fashion. There seems to be a super elite underground panel that judges what is indie on a regular basis (but still leaning towards t-shirts) and they pass out judgement as if they are true judges of fashion. Of course one can argue that fashion is defined differently by different people but jeez, when their definition of fashion drifts that far away from what is safely called fashion, it becomes something else altogether.

Now the less critical comments are passed, let me say, it's a bit saddening to see everyone dressing up in their "indie" attire and all of them walking around in their little groups of friends thinking they're hot and unique. Of course, they would be if there was one group doing it but when there's a whole bunch of people dressed that way walking around, you're not going to stand out. You people think you are the unique minority, but the sad truth is that you are in the blind majority. Wake up people, you people are better than this, or atleast I hope so for all that is still good in this nation, take a stand and actually make yourself look unique.

You must be thinking, why the fuck aren't I cursing, yes? Well the sad truth is, I don't need to, it's just too pathetic

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