Monday, March 23, 2009

Tales of The Now.

After watching Obama on Jay Leno remark about a certain shot of his face when he bowl in relation to the special Olympics. It made a lot of retards unhappy, at least, American retards.

Me: So, you're angry because he made a reference to the Special Olympics? 
American Retards: Yes, think of all the other people who are handicapped and less fortunate, we love Obama but me and my family think this is an outrage. I mean, talking about the handicapped is too far for him, only we get to call ourselves that.
Me: So... its like how niggers can call themselves niggers?
A.R: No, that's a different case, we don't call ourselves retards.

Someone asked me why people want to still come to America even though they hate America, looking back, its obviously because of the people that live there. I mean, the only reason I see myself going to the land of overrated freedom is to put money in  the vending machines or throwing shit off the Empire State Building in the name of the lulz. But then again, why go spend a few thousand on a plane ticket just to enjoy it beside a man with his ketchup stained shirt tuck in and doesn't know what deodorant is or a couple of niggers who's going to pull a 187 on this thread. I rather just stay at home and have a good wank while the world is in peril. 

So, back in the kitchen girls, keep making the sandwiches as a punishment for keeping us all in the friend zone while you make off with the one guy who'd probably disappear at the next party who'd probably slept with a sexually confused trap who thought he was the one with the girl when he gave head to guys.

Also, watch Dragonball, it is the bollocks. Bulma and that other chick are hot jailbait while Goku is this American badass who saves people and brings them back to life with his Kamehameha and still has a power level of over 9000. Seriously, your spending your money well on this movie caused in over 9000 years time when this actor makes it big time, he's going to be malarky when the big budget movies see this in his resume. Twilight is still better by tonnes though, what's more accurate than a story ripped off from some sappy love Japanese manga that looks like an American adaptation of shoujo portraying vampires as the loving gothic hippies they are?

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Today I shall be speaking on days like today comrades.

Pull up a chair and form a circle as ole uncle thor starts to tell you about today. Days like today is a term usually associated with either a good or bad day so before I continue I shall clarify by saying that today is most definitely a bad day.

Let us begin with the morning shall we comrades? I managed to begin my day pretty well if I do say so myself, I began with waking up late with a massive boner and rushing to get ready for class. Of course, my rushing for class would be the equivalent of rushing into the shower for a wank session and then showering, grabbing breakfast and lazing around till it's late.

Oh great this guy is going to bore us with his life story.

Oh no no no, if I was going to bore you with my life story I'd have done it in less egoistical manner. Of course now I shall deviate from the flow of the post by including a (in?)directly aimed insult at the general populace.

And with that in mind, I shall begin with saying, what a bunch of uncommitted fools with no drive, no wonder the more successful a nation is the more failures it generates. Not only that I do believe that the unfair rights given to them by the government is not empowering those fools who would do better in life by being sterile and unable to give birth but are actually giving them a false sense of security in life and allowing them to slack off. Jeez, those cock lovers are already half-brained as is and you decide not to develop them, but give them a bunch of training wheels.

It would be fine if it was in your mind to remove the damned training wheels sometime soon but keeping them on? What in the world. The world as is has no place for people who believe that they're position in life has some sense of security because now, no man is safe. Oh what now you're going to call me a sexist for saying no man is safe but not no woman?

Fine, No women is safe either, happy you fucking pricks that oh so love equality?

Oh right, I forgot to cater for the little idiots that might want to take a potshot at my views, have a go all you want, but unless you can provide an intelligent response you're only proving my point. And for every idiotic respond I receive, I'll just provide a witty comeback and post it right here on the blog.

Oooh, the big man is threatening to post my responses on his mean old blog, boohooo.

Yeah and I trust that I gave fair warning for it in advance.

Oh shit, I deviated from the topic too much. Well, let's see, went to class, had some lunch, saw some fags, gamed a bit, raged a bit, and all the works. I love life.

Oh yea, everyone, lighten up and start wanking already you poor derived fools.

Hope you all suffer a slow horrifying death with no one to care about you.

: D.