Sunday, November 23, 2008

so, yoga. PBP edition

Hey guys, yet again you see the current trend of decline of the average amount of intellect a single body of people can possess. Apparently these days, with technology booming and stuff, there has been a imbalance in the amount of intelligence a person gets. This latest piece in malaysian news, inspired by the understandably less adored of the sides of intelligence, has me laughing on the floor and an unnumerable amount of people in a state of disbelief.

The target of this post, ladies and gentlemen, is the ban on Yoga in Malaysia. The reason stated on the front page is that the chanting, or whatever it was they do in yoga, was in worship of buddhism/hinduism I can't remember, who gives a shit anyways. We all know the chanting and stuff is for a less "spiritual" reason. And that is to turn people on. You know who you are damnit.

Now here's the hypothetical yet probably more true reason why Yoga is banned. The group banning it has wives, women, or men who, as per the norm, get involved with this trend but are stupid and can't get it done well. Feeling humilated and ridiculed they formulate a plot to get back at yoga. Well, what ball brained idiots you may say? Well, I don't think this measures up to the sheer stupidity that's happening around the world these days. You're thoughts?

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