I remember someone telling me that a little boredom is harmless. That someone is bulshitting me. If you take a look at history in a certain way, you will note that alot of deaths can indirectly be attributed to boredom.
Why do people go to war? They were bored with what they had.
Why do people try drugs? They were bored with life.
Why do people commit suicide? Bored with the circumst
ances of their lives.
Why did Napolean go batshit crazy and conquer most of europe? Maybe he was bored of people calling him short.
Okay enough with obscure references to things that may or may have not been true. Now think of it this way. You're sitting bored in you're room, and you spy a knife. Okay not one knife, maybe a few. Now you're tempted to try knife throwing. You grab one and fling it as if you're a ninja, It hits and odd angle and bounces back to you
and stabs you in the face. LOL DEAD.
Maybe you are so bored you pick up something like parkour, but you decide that the physical prep is BORING and you go straight for the big jumps. You mess up, fall on your head and LOL DEAD!
Or maybe something slightly more likely, you're bored. So you decide to go for a spin in your car. Deciding to be a little bit adventurous to kill the boredom, you beat the traffic light. BAM! You're blindsided by a truck. Aaaaand, Yeaah you guessed it... LOL DEAD!
Or maybe you are bored and decide to go to the store for some snacks. You decide to go through the town shortcut, the railway. There's a train incoming but you think you can beat it, so you run trying to beat it but alas, you know what happens. This is the last one soooo
Ps. I know it's spelled Napoleon. Dick.